Bodyguard hottie Sebastien Jondeau is Karl Lagerfeld’s secret lover…?

So after doing slot of my own research and talking it over with some of my fagulous ladies, I have come to the conclusion that Karl Lagerfeld’s model / bodyguard is also his credit card romance ‘du jour’. Now, I know what you’re thinking: who the hell is Sebastien Jondeau and why do we care? I mean, of course basically every male fashion designer is as gay as the rainbow, with the exception of such notables as Osacr de la Renta, so really what’s new?. Well the reason I care is because Sebastien Jondeau appears to be the closest person in Karl’s life. And for Karl, that’s a very big deal, in a very long career.

For all my fashionistas out there, you know that Karl is a very solitary man. You could throw him on a deserted island, and as along as there’s a pencil, drawing paper, and chiffon in plentiful quantities, he could easily live alone for the rest of his life without a single worry. Don’t take my word for it; just watch his auto-documentary “Lagerfeld Confidential” and you’ll see he cares for few people and loves the single, lonely life just fine.

That said, it could all be a front for the real truth: that Karl’s bodyguard, Sebastien Jondeau, who also has strutted his sexy soccer legs across many Chanel catwalks, is indeed his secret ‘amour’. Could Karl be lovestruck by Jondeau? Can Karl love anyone but his own work?

While Jondeau may be a very sexy ‘jack of all trades’, his relationship with Karl has no doubt boosted his career. He may have also instilled a lot of heat into Karl’s little cold German heart.

That said, it might be much to do about nothing. Given Karl’s very pragmatic approach to life, I would not be the least bit surprised to find out years later that Karl had an open relationship with Jondeau, e.g. Jondeau could sleep with other people, but that in exchange for a life of glamour and runways, Jondeau returns the favor to Karl with a little “bite-your-tongue-senior-citizen-lovin'” 😉

At Karl’s age, I would have no qualms about paying for my romance. You can’t buy love but you can certainly “pay-to-play”.


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2 responses to “Bodyguard hottie Sebastien Jondeau is Karl Lagerfeld’s secret lover…?

  1. The “Gift of Fear” in the title refers to the intuitive ability of human beings that allows them to detect danger quickly, without conscious, logical thought. There’s some good stuff in the book about how to recognize intuition, and also (in the very last chapter) how to distinguish real fear of real dangers from worry about hypothetical dangers. If you enjoyed reading The “Gift Of Fear” i recomend reading Gavin De Beckers new book ” Just 2 Seconds”. I was intrigued by the title “Just 2 Seconds” and having read DeBecker’s “Gift of Fear” couldn’t wait to read his insights on this fascinating subject. “Just 2 Seconds” did not disappoint. Within a few sentences, I found myself hooked. This book provides numerous insights on protecting public figures. I’ve recommended this book to many friends and each has agreed with my assessment. If you’re in the protection, security, or law enforcement business, this book is a MUST HAVE! Gavin de Becker, Tom Taylor and Jeff Marquart understand the topic and present the material in a way that the reader can easily understand and digest!

  2. Alessandro Argentieri

    I had the pleasure to meet several time Karl Lagerfeld for work and even Sebastien. The feeling, if you meet them and you don’t only watch documetaries, is completely opposite to what you wrote.
    Sebastien respects Karl so much and Karl needs of Sebastien for some security and practical reasons. NOTHING ELSE. I have no proof for what I write but all the people that has worked with me (and them) had the same impression.

    LONG LIFE TO KARL and also TO SEBASTIEN (and also to all people around him, very king and hard working)

    ale a.

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